Ear Wax Removal

Ear Wax Removal

While ear wax, or cerumen, is not many people’s favourite topic of conversation it is something that we all produce.

A buildup of wax can block up the ear canal and an ear wax removal procedure can assist with hearing issues and other symptoms.

At Blackmore Audiology we provide ear wax removal using micro-suction and instrumentation. This method is safe and effective.

We recommend using a couple of drops of olive oil in each ear for two nights before your appointment to soften any wax. We do not recommend using over the counter wax removal products as they often make the wax more difficult to remove.

Ear Wax Removal at Blackmore Audiology

Standard appointment$60
ACC Hearing Loss Claimant $45
Follow Up (if a second appointment is required)$30

Why does ear wax build up?

You have narrow or hairy ear canals

You work in a dusty or dirty environment

You regularly wear hearing aids or use ear plugs

As we age wax hardens and it moves out of the canal less easily

How can we tell that ear wax is building up?

Discomfort and/or a blocked feeling in the ear canal

Itchy ear canals

Change in hearing

Tinnitus (ringing or buzzing sound)


Hearing aids sounding dull and/or regularly blocking up with wax

Why is excessive ear wax not a good thing?

If ear wax builds up too much it can completely block the ear canal, this can cause the symptoms outlined above.

Excessive ear wax can also cause issues with hearing aids as wax can stop the sound coming out also damage the electronic parts.